
REDONDO | 4rth Press Release – 1st Online workshop
REDONDO | 4rth Press Release – 1st Online workshop
The REDONDO team is delighted to announce the success of its first online workshop entitled “Biobased nanoadditives in polymer composites”, that was held on the 13th of June. 70 participants subscribed to the workshop and had the opportunity to engage in interesting presentations on polymer composites with biobased additives.
A general overview of the REDONDO project was presented by its coordinator, Prof. Dimitrios Bikiaris, while REDONDO experts gave insights about the research work developed within the project: Pilar Albaladejo Sánchez, from ITENE research centre, gave an overview of the cellulose additives for composites and their applications, Alexander Tiniakos, from Creative Nano, and Οlalla Sánchez Sobrado, from AIMEN innovation and technology centre, discussed the use of (nano)lignin in polymer composites, and Alexandra Zamboulis, from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, presented tannic acid-based composites. These presentations were complemented by valuable contributions from the sister projects: Caroline Piffet, from Celabor, discussed the incorporation of cellulose nanofibers in epoxy resins (ESTELLA project), Zsófia Kádár, from Bio Base Europe Pilot Plan, shared the first achievements of the REPurpose project, and Andrea Tummino and Ashwinikumar Sharma, from the Commissariat à l’énergie atomique, presented the development of biobased materials for building and railroads (SURPASS project). The workshop was concluded by a lively Q&A session and discussion, with fruitful exchanges and networking opportunities.
After the success of this first workshop, the second REDONDO workshop is already being organised in Montpellier, on the 27th of September, while a closer collaboration and further workshops will be organised with the sister projects: ESTELLA, REPurpose and SURPASS.

REDONDO, i.e., Reversibly Designed Cross-linked Polymers, is a Horizon Europe project that deals with cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) and strategies to introduce recyclability in PEX products to improve their environmental footprint. Biobased nanoadditives will be used to confer improved or new properties the new PEX materials. Find out more on our website and stay informed about future activities on LinkedIn and Facebook.

The REDONDO project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon programme under the Grant Agreement No. 101058449. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HADEA, Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.